Thursday, September 6, 2012

SFBOM NFL Picks Final Standings- Week 1

Hey all! I'll be posting the updated results for our SFBOM NFL picks throughout this weekend. Results will be updated after the 1pm, 4pm & Sunday/Monday night games!

Here's the Final Week 1 Overall Standings:
Alexander Vlasov: 11-5
Mark Bodek: 11-5
Rod Robinson: 11-5
Bryan Holland: 11-5
Joe Morgan: 11-5
Danielle Ruffino: 10-6
Mike Farabee: 10-6
Nickla Roberts: 10-6
Kevin Jacob: 10-6
Justin Raynor: 10-6
Jerry Sorrentino: 10-6
Terri Runnels: 9-7
Matt Bodek: 9-7
Christina Minto: 9-7
Matthew Roblez: 9-7
Fred Laurence: 8-8
Perry Saturn: 8-8
Madusa: 7-9
Jenn Sereque: 7-9
Pete Farr: 7-9
Darius McCrary: New last minute addition, awaiting on his picks/TBD

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