Joanie "Chyna" Laurer
Mark Bodek
Hello everyone! I'd like to welcome you to a 1st here over on the Skins,Fins & Bears sports blog with our 1st interview. For this grand occasion, I'd like to welcome you guys to the prescene of a former ladies wrestling champ, and actress Chyna Jl- how are you doing?
Chyna Jl
Great Mark! Hi everybody, doing great, although it's 50 degrees here in Cali!!!! (boooooo!!!) hee hee
Mark Bodek
I'll take that anyday over what I get on the east coast lol. So last alot of your fans saw you on TV was on VH1 a few years ago- whats been new and happening in your life since?
Chyna Jl
Wow! Well, since VH1 stuff I have been taking foreign language classes, traveling a bunch, mostly to Japan, and now I am taking education courses so I can go overseas and teach English.
Mark Bodek
That is pretty cool that your adapting to doing that for a new career. Is that something you've aspired to do for a long time or something that came calling more recently?
Chyna Jl
Yes, pounding the pavement in Hollywood has been very difficult. I am very greatful for the VH1 stuff, and really enjoyed it, however it's not an ongoing career! Hollywood is hard for me, although I feel I definitely had the talent, I think it has been hard on my own without any backing, so I really have done everything on my own. Actually WWE has hampered me in Hollywood, noit helped. I am an athlete first and I have a hard time with the whole fake Hollywood, who ya know thing........So I have really had to focus on what the next step is...
Chyna Jl
I think my life and career has been a cross between, The Wrestler, Forrest Gump, Jerry McGuire, and What's Love Got to Do With It???????
Mark Bodek
Sounds its been quite an adjustment
Chyna Jl
It's been a very difficult adjustment! It has taken me 11 years to finally start to get a grip on moving forward with my life. I feel very positive and very hopeful about my new direction.
I have to say though, the fans have been amazing throughout all of these years! Very respectful and supportive. I did what I did, you know? No denying!
Mark Bodek
Thats good and I'm sure gratifying for you to know that you still have alot of love out there for all that you've done :)
Chyna Jl
Yes of course, and when you are an athlete, and you go beyond the boundaries and basic laws of physics...hee hee, It stays with you forever, and you feel it.
Mark Bodek
Definately- whats your main goal for within the next 10 years for where you see yourself?
Chyna Jl
I really want to focus on me now. That means being in a serene place (for me that's near the water) The ability to suport myself financially , with good health......... That's what I want, and what I deserve, I know.
Mark Bodek
Good for you- you know with this being a sports themed site and the weekend for the biggest sporting event of the year......who do you got- the Steelers or Packers? ;)
Chyna Jl
I have to pick the Steelers. I must admit I do not know much about football. I do like it! I know I would love live events!!!!, Yes definitely the Steelers.
Mark Bodek
It'll be a good one for sure- and I'm sure you can score a touchdown on what comes to you in the coming months and years ;) I'd like to thank for your taking this time to do our 1st interview, anything that you'd like to say to all of your fans who love you and support you through all these years
Chyna Jl
Well first, let me tell you that most of you tell me that you have grown up watching wrestling...I never did, but I was "discovered" by the guys, and I loved every second of it. What I did grow up with was lazy Saturday afternoons...everybody napping and football whistles in the backround...
My brother, Sonny was a huge Pittsburgh Steelers fan. He had the lamp, the kick back, the curtains, the sheets, the football pillows, the socks T-shirts...etc..everything imagineable!!!
Chyna Jl
I used to listen to him outside of his bedroom door. He had one of those electronic football games that vibrated and he would make noises like the crown cheering and he would be a couple of announcers at once!!! LOL!!!! A vivid and fun memory for me. That is why I pick the Steelers...just on the SEARS marketing alone!!!! So even though I don't know the specifics, who doesn't love American Football? Right?
Mark Bodek
For sure- its America's new pasttime & anytime you have memories like that- its hard not to like it!
Chyna Jl
I hope I didn't make a fool of myself with you football mad men!!!!!!
Mark Bodek
lol just don't tackle us down and give us broken noses hehe
Chyna Jl
I was once asked to do the lingerie thingie during halftime, but the girls were just dying to tackle me down before I even said anything........ Hey, I always said when I wrestled the guys, and Vince was trying to start the football league...."uh oh!!! I'm not playing football, so don't get any ideas!!!" LOL!
Mark Bodek
lol- speaking of that, the 10 year anniversery of the XFL recently hit- was that something that you enjoyed and think was a trendsetter for football looking back on it?
Chyna Jl
The lowest ratings in the history of television. No!! I thought it was awfull, and even worse for NBC!!! I believe Vince should stick to wrestling and Let the NFL stick to football.
Mark Bodek
If I was them- I would of just had you be the ref and made your own rules during the games- now that would of made for better ratings hehe
Chyna Jl
Hey!!! Now that sounds like fun!!!!!
Mark Bodek
lol yep yep yep
Chyna Jl
27,...32.......22....HUT!!!! Enjoy the game everybody!!!!!!
Mark Bodek
Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule and keep up on what your doing :)
Chyna Jl
I want my styraphome finger!!!!! Thank you Mark! :)
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