Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Final Week of 2013 NFL SFBOM Results

Final Standings:

Bryan Holland: 169-96

Kevin Jacob/Nickla"Babydoll"Roberts: 164-101

Alex Vlasov: 163-102

Mark Bodek: 161-104

Matt Bodek: 156-109

Fred Laurence: 155-110

Christina Minto: 149-116

Joe Morgan/Mike Farabee/Justin Raynor: 148-117

Debrah "Madusa": 132-133

Week 17:

Mark: 15-1

Nickla: 14-2

Christina/Kevin: 13-3

Justin/Alex: 12-4

Bryan: 11-5

Fred/Mike/Madusa/Matt/Joe: 10-6

Week 16:

Mike: 11-5

Kevin/Christina/Justin/Bryan: 10-6

Nickla: 9-7

Mark/Fred/Alex/Joe/Matt/Madusa: 8-8

Week 15:

Kevin: 11-5

Alex/Christina/Fred: 10-6

Mark: 9-7

Matt/Justin/Nickla: 8-8

Mike: 7-9

Madusa/Bryan/Joe: 6-10

Week 14:

Alex: 13-3

Nickla/Mark/Mike: 12-4

Christina/Fred/Bryan/Matt/Kevin: 11-5

Justin/Madusa/Joe: 10-6

Week 13:

Bryan: 13-3

Fred/Kevin/Alex: 12-4

Madusa/Nickla: 11-5

Matt: 10-6

Mark/Justin/Christina: 9-7

Mike: 8-8

Joe: 7-9

Week 12:

Bryan: 10-3

Mark: 9-4

Matt: 8-5

Madusa: 7-6

Alex/Fred/Mike/Nickla/Joe: 6-7

Kevin/Christina/Justin: 5-8

Week 11:

Kevin: 12-3

Mike/Alex: 11-4 

Joe/Bryan: 10-5

Nickla: 9-6

Matt/Madusa: 8-7

Christina: 7-8

Mark/Justin/Fred: 6-9

Week 10:

Bryan/Mark: 9-5

Nickla: 8-6

Matt/Kevin: 7-7

Fred/Joe/Alex: 6-8

Christina/Justin/Madusa/Mike: 5-9

Week 9:

Matt/Justin: 9-4

Alex/Mark/Nickla: 8-5

Mike/Kevin/Bryan: 7-6

Joe/Fred: 6-7

Madusa/Christina: 4-9

Week 8:

Joe/Nickla: 11-2

Kevin/Alex/Fred/Mark/Christina/Mike/Matt: 10-3

Justin/Bryan: 9-4

Madusa: 5-8

Week 7:

Bryan: 11-4

Mark/Nickla/Alex: 10-5

Justin/Matt/Joe: 9-6

Fred/Kevin: 8-7

Madusa: 7-8

Christina/Mike: 6-9

Week 6:

Matt/Paul/Nickla: 11-4

Joe/Bryan/Christina/Justin/Kevin: 10-5

Mark/Fred/Alex: 9-6

Mike: 8-7

Madusa: 6-9

Week 5:

Fred/Joe: 10-4

Matt/Alex/Mark/Bryan/Mike: 9-5

Christina: 9-5

Kevin: 8-6

Nickla/Justin: 7-7

Paul/Madusa: 6-8

Week 4:

Fred: 12-3

Nickla/Matt: 11-4


Mark/Madusa/Alex/Justin/Joe/Paul: 9-6

Mike/Christina: 8-7

Week 3:

Bryan: 11-5

Mark: 10-6

Alex/Joe: 9-7

Mike/Kevin/Fred/Christina/Nickla/Madusa: 8-8

Paul: 7-9

Justin/Matt: 6-10

Week 2:

Alex/Paul/Fred/Bryan/Matt B/Kevin: 12-4

Nickla/Justin/Joe: 11-5

Mark/Christina/Mike: 10-6

Madusa: 8-8

Week 1:

Fred/Joe/Mike/Kevin: 11-5 

Bryan/Justin/Alex/Matt B/Nickla: 10-6 

Mark: 9-7 

Paul/Madusa/Christina: 7-9

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

SFBOM NFL 2013 Playoff Picks & Regular Season Champion

Congratulations go out to Terri Runnels & Mike Farabe on winning the 2013 SFBOM NFL Playoff Picks! Her first title since the 2010 NFL Regular Season. Just like the Ravens, Terri carried her postseason momentum into a win. Also, Mike with his first title on here as well. Been a fun season all!
Big Congratulations goes out to Fred Laurence on making a comeback win for his 1st SFBOM NFL Regular Season Picks title. Fred struggled the 1st half of the season, but then made pretty good picks & risky picks too, and payed off into winning the crown. You go Freddy!